Friday, February 29, 2008

2/29/2008 Happy Leap Year!

Is Happy Leap Year something that you even say? I'm not sure. Oh, well.

Ok, so back to my at-work drama. I believe I am going to switch jobs. I am ready for something more flexible so I can get back to Mark's life. Meaning: my wife, my kids, my running, etc. Life has to be "about ME!" It's too short for anything else. I have let this last year in that ER overcome me and turn me into things that I have learned I don't want to be. So here I go, off into the wild blue yonder! No, I'm not joining the Air Force either, I'm going to work for a medical staffing agency for quite a bit more money and lots more flexibility.

Now then, with all that settled, this weekend has to be about running! Lots of running. I need to make up for lost time. I hope that my fitness base is strong enough for me to ramp up my mileage quickly and keep me healthy for the Grasslands. We shall soon see. Wish me luck!

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