Thursday, April 29, 2010

Under the Weather

For the first time in a couple of years, I've got a cold! I've felt bad for the last 2-3 days, just real cloudy-headed and stuffy. I ran a low-grade fever last night but Advil made short work of it. I think I'm on the uphill swing though so I should be able to go ahead and get a good run in this weekend. I went on to the the gym last night for some strength training even though I felt like hammered shit. I'm not real sure if that was a good idea or not but I survived and now I'm stronger. Ha. Training all in all has been going really well except for needing to get some more good long runs in. If I can shake this cold pretty quickly then I'll be set.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

And the Training Continues

With all of the strength training I've been doing, I'm becoming much more solid. I'm looking more toned as well since I've dropped about 4lbs in the last week or so. I like it!! I've been alternating traveling lunges at the gym with 30-40lb dumbbells in each hand, and doing squats with one of my kids (~80lbs) on my back and having them hold two 10lb medicine balls. ha I'm hitting the gym at least 3 nights a week for about 30-45 minutes of good full body circuit training on the Nautilus equipment. On top of all that, I've been getting in some good runs of 10-12 miles. I need to get in some tough hill repeats out at the lake pretty soon too. I've been running 30 minute interval runs on the treadmill at 10% grade as well. At this point in time, I am really encouraged that I'll be able to finish Jemez with some left in the tank, especially since I've still got over a month to get ready. I'll keep ya posted.